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Yearly Archives: 2016


    Uber Misled City Council in Massive Lobbying Effort

    Uber, a company that is now valued over $60 billion conducted a well funded lobbying campaign last year to defeat Mayor de Blasio’s effort to cap the number of Uber cars in the city. The lobbying highlighted the number of minority Uber drivers in the city: “The company held a total of nine “driver appreciation” [...]

    By | May 5th, 2016|Fare Play, Latest News, NYETA Blog, People with Disabilities, Rider Safety|Comments Off on Uber Misled City Council in Massive Lobbying Effort

      Uber Drivers Settle Class Action Lawsuit In California

      In an action to enable the $60 Billion tech giant, to continue to classify its drivers as “independent contractors,” drivers settled their lawsuit a little over a month before it was slated to go to trial.

      By | April 25th, 2016|Fare Play, Latest News, NYETA Blog|Comments Off on Uber Drivers Settle Class Action Lawsuit In California

        NYC, Uber and Its Inaccessible Policymaking

        “Uber is once again looking to end run any accountability for directly supplying accessible vehicles for New Yorkers. Instead, the $51 billion company is cooking up a complicated scheme that allows it to avoid complying with regulations that now govern NY taxis-thus allowing Uber to maintain the fiction that it’s not a cab company.”

        By | April 22nd, 2016|Fare Play, Latest News, People with Disabilities|Comments Off on NYC, Uber and Its Inaccessible Policymaking

          Uber’s Car-Free Day Hypocrisy

          “The city council should not be allying itself with a company that has spit in the face of some of the most vulnerable New Yorkers. It is passed time for the legislature to pass into law an accessibility mandate for Uber that is comparable to the 50% target mandated for NYC taxis.”

          By | April 21st, 2016|Fare Play, Latest News, People with Disabilities|Comments Off on Uber’s Car-Free Day Hypocrisy

            Uber to Carve Out Own Exception in New York State Regulations to Side-step Disabled and Skirt the Law

            The entry of Uber into the local car-for-hire businesses around the country has created a tension between the company, its taxi competitors, and the rules that localities have promulgated to regulate for-hire-vehicles. In all of these localities Uber has attempted to create as many exemptions from the regulations for itself, claiming that it is a [...]

            By | April 7th, 2016|Fare Play, Latest News, NYETA Blog, People with Disabilities|Comments Off on Uber to Carve Out Own Exception in New York State Regulations to Side-step Disabled and Skirt the Law

            Crains: Uber antitrust lawsuit over pricing is green-lighted by judge

            Uber Technologies Inc. and its co-founder Travis Kalanick will have to defend a lawsuit that accuses them of running an antitrust scheme by using an app to set high surge fares.

            By | April 1st, 2016|Fare Play, Latest News|Comments Off on Crains: Uber antitrust lawsuit over pricing is green-lighted by judge

            NYETA Legislative Memo: New Group Forms to Insure Access for the Disabled in all Cars for Hire

            In response to Uber’s blatant disregard for the rights of the disabled-and the flouting of the American with Disabilities Act by so many of the actors in the car for hire business-a new group has been formed, New Yorkers for Equal Transportation Access (NYETA), to make sure that all of these passenger service companies conform [...]

            By | March 30th, 2016|Latest News, NYETA Blog|Comments Off on NYETA Legislative Memo: New Group Forms to Insure Access for the Disabled in all Cars for Hire

            Bloomberg: Here Are Four of Uber’s Nastiest Battles With Global Ride-Hailing Rivals

            The furious land grab by Uber and its ride-sharing competitors has, from the very beginning, been something of a street fight—sometimes literally.

            By | March 28th, 2016|Latest News|Comments Off on Bloomberg: Here Are Four of Uber’s Nastiest Battles With Global Ride-Hailing Rivals

            Bloomberg: Uber Considers Hiring Drivers With Misdemeanors

            Officials of Uber Technologies Inc. recently met with a senior House lawmaker to discuss how the ride-sharing company could hire more drivers who might be disqualified under the current hiring policy because of criminal records.

            By | March 28th, 2016|Latest News, Rider Safety|Comments Off on Bloomberg: Uber Considers Hiring Drivers With Misdemeanors

            NY Daily News: Bill’s Uber secrets

            From NY Daily News: The communication lifted our spirits: Just under the Freedom of Information Law deadline, City Hall invited us to pick up digitized copies of documents related to Mayor de Blasio’s $2 million consultant’s study of things Uber. Slip the disc into a computer and up pop file after file with not a single [...]

            By | March 14th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on NY Daily News: Bill’s Uber secrets